Wednesday, July 12, 2017

hakiki na tuma maoni au mapendekezo kuhusu makala hii ya andiko langu la uchunguandiko langu

(Kwa shemeji zangu na wanangu)

                           S.L.P 777666,
Alpha H.Mayengo.

Sifa na Utukufu apewe Mwenye Enzi Mungu atujaliaye uzima na amani katika Taifa letu teule la Tanzania; ama kwa hakika unastahili ee Mfalme wetu wa Enzi. Kitabu hiki kimetokana na barua ambayo; hapo awali sikuona umuhimu wa kuitolea chapa barua hii kwani ilikuwa ni ya siri na iliwahusu wanafamilia mbili tu, yaani koo hizi mbili ambazo ziliunganishwa na ndoa ya vijana wao kabla ya kuingia katika mgogoro mkubwa wa ukandamizaji uliofanywa na mashemeji dhidi ya familia ya moja iliyotengwa na kuonewa kwa mengi... Niliamua kuanza kuiandika barua hii baada ya kuona kuwa kulikuwa na mafundisho ya namna fulani hasa kwa kuzingatia malengo ya mwandishi wa barua hiyo kama alivyokusudia kuweka wazi lawama na mafundisho aliyolenga kuwapatia watoto wake na hata shemeji zake.
Nia ya kuandika hii barua kwa sasa ni kutaka kuichokoza jamii katika fikra pana ili kutambua na kutoruhusu hali kama hii iliyotokea katika barua kutotokea kwani hupelekea kutoelewana na hata kuharibu mahusiano na maendeleo ya familia husika...
Alpha H. Mayengo

Agwee shemeji; ni matumaini yangu kuwa u mzima wa njema, wewe na familia yako ikiwa ni pamoja na majirani zako ambao hawana hata muda wa kukutakia siku njema kila kukicha.
Mbali na hayo; bwana shemeji, naomba kutoa maelezo ya ukweli na uwazi kutoka moyoni. Shemeji zangu , ni kwa muda mrefu sana mmekua mkinishtumu na kunilaumu, kunitenga na kunihukumu kwa kosa langu la kutohudhuria msiba wa baba yetu mpendwa(baba mkwe) pindi alipofariki. Kutokana na dhana hiyo nikaonekana kua mbaya hata bila kuzingatia sababu za mimi kutohudhuria mazishi hayo ambayo nilitamani sana kuhudhuria. Ingawa kulikuwa na sababu iliyokuwa nje ya uwezo wangu lakini niliratibu safari ya familia yangu kuhudhuria kwani mi nilikuwa safarini kikazi(nje ya nchi).Mbali ya yote niliyofanya kipindi cha msiba huo; ingawa sikuepo, MUNGU, nyie, pamoja na majirani wote ni mashahidi wa yote, hata kama siku zote nimekuwa nikibebebeshwa lawama kiasi ambacho hata mke wangu alikua akiniambia kuwa nilifanya vibaya kwa kutofika kwenye msiba wa mzee wetu mpendwa... haijalishi nilitoa mchango gani. Kila siku alinikumbusha habari niliyowahi kumsimulia wakati wa nyuma; kuhusu, kisa cha Dokta mmoja ambaye alikuwa na tabia ya kutoa tu mchango kwenye misiba ya watu na kuondoka bila kuhudhuria mambo mengine yahusuhuyo msiba. Tabia hiyo iliwachukiza sana watu na kuamua kumwachia msiba wa mama yake kwani kila aliyeenda kumpa pole; alitoa mchango na kuondoka kama alivyokua akifanya yeye kwenye misiba ya watu, hivyo walimwachia shughuli zote azifanye kwa kutumia ule mchango waliotoa kama yeye alivyozoea kuwafanyia wafiwa kitu kiichomletea majonzi makubwa.
Kwa muda mrefu nilikaa kimya ili ufike wakati mkumbuke kua hata kama ingekua ni kulalamika wa kwanza kufanya hivyo ningekua ni mimi... nasema kama ingekua ni kulalamika wa kwanza kufanya hivyo ningekua mie; lakini hamkusikia kulalama wala kuwashtumu kwa lolote, kwani hakuna siku hata moja niliyofungua kinywa changu kuongea kuhusu kutofika kwenu kwenye misiba iliyoyonikuta … narudia tena ili kuongeza uelewa kwenu kua nazungumzia misiba na si msiba kama nyie mnavyonilaumu kwa kutohudhuria msiba wa baba mpendwa(baba mkwe) tena kwa sababu mliyoifahamu.
Nimefungua kinywa changu sasa baada ya kuona malalamiko yamezidi kwani sielewi ni nini hasa chanzo cha lalamiko hizo au kuna kitu cha ziada ambacho mi sikijui ilhali nimemuoa dada yenu? Bwana ee hata punda alinena wakati Balaki na Balaam tazama maarifa katika biblia takahai.
Baada ya kusikia malalamiko kwa muda mrefu; nilikaa na waifu na kuongea nae kuhusu mzigo huu wa lawama ambao nimebebeshwa kwa muda mrefu,kwani nilianza kuhisi moyo wangu umekinaishwa kama si kuumizwa kwa lawama ambazo si za kweli na niliamini kuwa lawama hizo zilikua zikipanda mbegu zenye sumu mbaya kwa wanangu na jamii iliyowazunguka wanangu pamoja na huduma yangu .
Nilianza kumuuliza waifu kwa kuorodhesha baadhi tu ya misiba iliyotokea upande wangu ambayo iligusa wengi na kuniumiza sana:
mimi: “waifu; ivi kwenye msiba wa kakaangu(1981) nani alihudhuria kutoka      kwenu”?
Waifu: “hakuna”.
Mimi: “wakweo, je”?(mama yangu mzazi, 1982; na baba 1989).
waifu: “hamna”.
Mimi: “na je kwenye kifo cha Ka'changwe(1986) Nani alifika!” pamoja na kifo cha kaka Mgassa(1993) ;kaka Msanga(2008); na Ndalu je (2009) nani alifika kutoka kwenu?
Waifu: “hakuna... hakuna... tusamee”....(kwa uchungu na aibu huku machozi yakimtembelea bwana mashavu kuomba njia kabla ya kufika kule yaendako).
Mimi: “Sasa; kumbe ni misiba mingi tu ambayo hawakuja ndugu kutoka upande wenu, lakini mi sikuona sababu ya kuwalaumu wala kuwakumbusheni ilhali nyie ndio imekuwa fimbo mujalabu kwangu na hata kufikia hatua ya kunichambua vibaya kwa watu ambao kila siku waja kuniambia malalamiko yenu...

Mbali na hayo; kabla ya msiba wa baba (babamkwe) uliotokea mwaka 1996, nilishapata misiba zaidi ya mitano lakini hakuja mtu hata mmoja na hata baada ya hapo kuna mambo mengi sana ambayo hamkutaka kushiriki kwa maksudi kabisa . Na bora mngekaa kimya tofauti na kuwa ndo wa kwanza kutangaza rumazi kwa mtaa. Kumbukeni nilivyohangaika na mwanangu alipokua anaumwa bila hata kujaliwa tena nilitengwa hata kupewa faraja ya kindugu ilikuwa shida zaidi ya kuongezewa maumivu kutokana na maneno yenu yenye kuvunja moyo. Kiukweli sihitaji sana msaada na hata ushiriki wenu na pia sipendi kuhesabiwa ubaya ambao mwausambaza na kuupandikiza kwa kizazi changu na chenu.
Hivi kuna sababu gani kuwe na chuki kati ya pande ambazo ziliungana kwa furaha. Nakumbuka kua mlisema mmenitenga wakati namuuguza mwanangu Ufudu; hospitali ya rufaa kwa miezi kadhaa si KCMC wala Muhimbili wasikomjua mwanangu Ufudu na hakuna hata mmoja wenu aliyethubutu kuja kumjulia hali kama si hata kuwasiliana ilikua tatizo. Mbali na hayo; nilipata ajali mbaya ya pikipiki almanusra kufa lakini hakuna aliyekuja ila kunitupia lawama na kufurahia anguko langu. Daima mwajitahidi kutafuta lawama ili mnilaumu na kunifanya mnyonge kama ilivyo ada kwenu.
Kumbukeni mambo niliyofanya kwa ajili yenu ingawa mwaendelea kunishtumu na kunilaumu:
  • nilishiriki mazishi ya bibi yenu kule makale 1982
  • nilisimamia tohara ya shemeji zangu tena mi ndo nilitafuta na kuongoza muziki asilia katika shughuli ile.
  • Nilishiriki harusi ya mama mezbii kule idodomya
  • nilisaidia kumuuguza baba mkwe na hata mazishi nilimtuma familia yangu na kutoa msaada kila ulipohitajika.
  • Elimu ya kaka yenu wa pekee na mndogo wenu huyo leo anayenitukana pia niliisimamia mie.
  • Matibabu na mazishi ya mjomba wenu niliwezesha mimi na mengine mengi mwakumbuka sina haja ya kuyataja yote. Hivi kweli mwanihukumu kwa haki?

Kwa mawazo yangu mafupi, yaso-busara niligindua kitu baada ya nyie kuhudhuria mazishi ya kaka yangu ambaye mwanae ameoa pia katika hii familia yenu kitu ambacho mlifanya ili kuuteka ukoo wetu na kuumiliki kwa kila kitu. Maana si kawaida vijana wa ukoo mmoja kwenda kuoa ukoo mmoja maana kuna koo nyingi tu tena zenye maadili kuliko hata ukoo wenu ambao mambo yake mwayajua wenyewe . Hebu tafakarini ni kwa nini hamkutaka kuhudhuria misiba iliyonigusa mimi na kijana wa kaka yangu mana sisi sote tumeoa hapo kwenu; lakini mnahudhuria mazishi ya kaka yangu ambaye ndiye aliyemzaa kijana wangu. Sasa basi kupitia kitendo hiki niligundua kua kuna sababu iliyowafanya msihudhurie misiba inihusuyo sana na kuja kwa ajili ya kuonesha kua kuna upande mwingine ambao hamjaamua kuutenga kwani upande huo mmeshautawala.
Jambo hili naomba vijana wangu na dunia itambue kua kitendo cha nyie kutokuja kwenye misiba iliyowagusa wengi kwenye ukoo; na kuja kwenye huo msiba mmoja, mlilenga kutugawanya ili mtutawale vizuri kwani ukoo mzima mwauona kua wabaya ila mlango mmoja tu ndio mwaupenda... ama kweli uigaji wa mambo ya kigeni hautaisha... kumbuka divide and rule ya wakoloni...
sikieni shemeji kama si dharau na ukandamizaji ni nini?
Ninyi hamkufika kwenye misiba mingi tu lakini mi kutokufika kwa ule msiba tena kwa sababu mliyoitambua ni kosa?
Hebu jihojini kidogo; je kuna ajenda gani ya siri kati yenu na waifu maana ana tabia za kinyonga... ivi inawezekana kweli mi nisijue mambo yake anayofanya?
Nilimpatia hela afanyie biashara ili ajiwezeshe kwa mambo yake madogomadogo... lakini cha kushangaza aliamua kuleta mzozo ili tugombane na hivyo kukimbilia kwa wanangu Arusha ambako aliadai ameondoka bila hela na baada ya mie kumwita arudi; alikuja bila fedha hizo ilhali nauli ya kwenda alipewa na wanangu na ya kurudi nilimpa mie, sasa aliifanyia nini pesa hiyo na ilikua nyingi muno.
Licha ya hayo; nilimmtuma kukununua nafaka kijijini lakini alirudi bila mzigo akidai amemwachia dadake lakini hadi leo sijui na kuuliza ndo mwanzo wa makelele, lakini pia; biashara ya viazi ilikoishia sikujua kabisa.
Kwa nini watoto wangu wote yeye ndo amekua chanzo cha wao kuondoka nyumbani na hata kushirikiana na watoto wa dada na wadogoze kuwanyanyasa wanangu wapendwa...
kwa nini shemeji zangu mshirikiane na waifu kunidanganya? Mfano wale kuku niliokamata tenga likipelekwa sokoni bila mi kujua na hata hivyo nilidanganywa pia... na kunigombanisha na wanangu...
Tangu mama(mama mkwe) alipohamia Idodomya; yaani kuanza kuishi hapa karibu nasi, ilipelekea kutoa mwanya wa ndugu wengi kuanza kuja hapa kwangu na ndio muda ambao nilianza kuona tabia za waifu zikibadilika hadi kufikia kutoelewana hasa kwa mambo madogo sana ambayo hapo awali hayakuonekana. Kwa mfano:
  • kuongezeka kwa matatizo na magomvi yaso maana wala umuhimu.
  • Kuongezeka kwa wimbi la kutoka vitu ndani ya nyumba yangu bila mi kupewa taarifa yoyote na hata matumizi ya pesa ambayo hayaeleweki kabisa.
  • Wanangu kuanza kuteswa na ndugu wa mama hata kufikia hatua ya mtoto mdogo wa kike tena ambaye si mrithi wangu kumuamulia mwanangu mkubwa wa kiume kuhamia vyumba vya ndani akiwa na mewe ili alale huko bila kujali heshima ya mama kulala nyumba moja na mwanae ambaye tayari ameshaoa... ivi ni heshima gani mtoto wa kike kutaka kulala vyumba vya nje na kumlazimisha mmrithi wangu kulala nyumba moja na mama wakati nia yangu ya kujenga vyumba vya nje ni kutowafanya wanangu kuwa wanyonge hasa wajapo na wakwe zangu na ni kutunza utu wao... Sasa swali kwa Remavurugu alikua anataka nini kung'ang'ania kulala kwenye vyumba vya nje ambako niliwajengea wanangu wa kiume? Na hiyo nguvu ya kujiamulia kwenye malango yangu aliipata wapi? Na ni wapi uliona mkaribishwa akawa mtawala? Au kwa kua alianza kulala nje kwa hawala na alifanya hivyo ili apate uhuru?
  • Kama haitoshi dada yake Remavurugu(Nyakwehe) alimtukana mrithi wangu kwa kosa la kuhoji nguo ya msimamizi iliyopotea mikononi mwake; akiziandaa wakati wa harusi ya mrithi wangu, na kuambulia matusi tena zaidi ya sms 30 zote alizotumiwa zilikusudia kufikisha matusi tena yaliyotuchanganya wote yaani; mimi, pamoja na familia nzima. Sasa mwanangu alikua amekodi hilo vazi na lilipotea kwake asiulize? Na je mbona baada ya muda kupita linaonekana kwa Nyakwehe ambaye alitukana akidai hana shida kama hizo ? Je tungemchukulia sheria ingekuaje wakati meseji zake zote za kukana na matusi zipo? Au je kama mrithi wangu asingevumilia na kumpiga Nyakwehe tungemlaumu nani?
    Kama ni hivi nina mashaka na baadaye...kama leo kila kitu kinachotokea naundiwa timu ya wanafamilia na watu baki na pia mambo ya familia kukimbiziwa kwa kundi fulani tena kwa kusukwa ili mimi nionekane mbaya na mwenye matatizo katika familia hii; hasa ninaposimama kupinga mambo yasiyofaa katika familia yangu...?
    Sasa; tujiulize, ndoa itakua salama kwa kutegemea ndugu; serikali; magazeti ya udaku; au uongozi wa dini?
    Kati ya yote nitakayoeleza mjue nimelazimika kuyasema maana megundua kua kunyamaza kwangu kumemfanya waifu apate nafasi ya kunisema kwao; hata, kuniundia njama na tuhuma ambazo zakusudia kunivunjia heshima na utu wangu; kiasi ambacho nakosa heshima kabisa kutokana na tabia yake ya kujiasafisha kwa kunisema bila kuzingatia heshima yangu na utumishi wangu ambao huwafanya waonekane kama wanavyoonekana leo kwa jamii hiyo hiyo wanisemako.Yafuatayo ni mambo ambayo niliamua kuyafanya siri yangu ili kuitunza heshima ya waifu mbele ya hao hao ambao yeye hunisema kwao na kunichafua kwa mambo ambayo si ya kweli:
    • aibu niliyoipata chuoni tukisoma mimi na waifu mara baada ya waifu kugombana na vibaya na mke wa lekchara wetu kitendo ambacho kilileta machafuko makubwa ya mahusiano kati yetu na familia ya lekchara huyo ambaye baadaye alikuja kuwa mkuu wa kazi katika eneo letu la kazi.
    • Taarifa ya mkuu wa chuo pindi tumalizapo chuo ambayo ilibeba furaha na huzuni; kwani, mimi nilipewa cheti cha nidhamu/tabia njema ilhali waifu kuonekana kuwa na kiburi na ukorofi na hii ilikua ni kwa mujibu wa kikao cha waalimu; hivyo, wakanionya kuwa lazima nimkanye waifu ili asiye akaifanya kazi yetu kuwa ngumu na iso mafanikio.
    • Waifu kunitupia meza wakati tunafunga vitu nyumbani kwao mara baada ya kutoka masomoni kwa sababu niliiulizia hiyo meza kumbe yeye alishamgawia ndugu yake hivyo nilimuudhi kuiulizia na kuitaka ndo maana kwa hasira nyingi aliamua kunitupia na kuniponda nayo tena mbele ya wazazi wake ambao hawakusema lolote ingawa waliona tukio zima. Jioni hiyo ndio ilikuwa siku pekee ya maagano kwani sisi tulikua tunaelekea sehemu ya kazi hivyo niliamua kuwa na mazungumzo na wazazi kwa kuwaeleza hali iliyotokea chuoni kwa waifu kushambuliwa vikali kwa tabia yake ya ujeuri lakini wazazi walikaa kimya ingawa hata tukio la mchana la kupondwa na meza walilishuhudia...kiukweli nilitegemea msaada kutoka kwa baba lakini sikuambulia kitu.
    • Kuiacha nyumba yangu ya kwanza kuijenga maishani mwangu ambayo ilikuwa kijiji kimoja na ukweni ni jambo ambalo hakuna hata mtu mmoja aliyeelewa ni kwa nini niliamua kuiacha nyumba hiyo. Ila wao waliamini kua ni moyo wangu tu wa upendo ndio ulionifanya niwaachie na kutoitaka tena wala kuiulizia...nilifanya hivyo kwa sababu niligundua kua kuishi karibu na wazazi wake kungepelekea kuongezeka kwa makelele maana sikuwa na mtetezi katika eneo hilo.
    • Pia kutoroka kwa Mwasuga mwaka 1996 ilikuwa ni kwa sababu ya magomvi yaliyozidi ya waifu hadi kupelekea mwanangu tena wa kike kutoroka usiku wa manane kwa kutembea kilomita 18 hadi mji mwingine ambako aliomba kupanda gari na kutimkia kwa mjomba ake. Huko alifanywa kijakazi wa bila malipo na mwisho wa siku kufukuzwa kama mbwa kwa kosa la wizi kama wafanyakazi wengine wengi tu ambao walishaondolewa kwa staili hiyo hiyo. Kaka yenu ndiye huwapa kiburi hawa wadogo zake akiwemo waifu ambaye kiburi chake chote hutoka kwa huyo kaka yenu aliyebarikiwa utajiri ambao wafanya kazi wake wote hufukuzwa pale bila malipo eti kwa madai ya kuiba fedha kama ilivyotokea kwa mwanangu Mwasuga. Alafu bila aibu, waifu anaungana na wewe(kaka yake) na wapinzani wangu kutaka kuniabisha kwa kunisukia mpango ambao wao ndio chanzo cha matatizo yote yanayompata Mwasuga leo kwa kutaka kunipost kwenye magazeti ya udaku eti mie sina malezi bora na upendo kwa watoto?
    • Hakuishia hapo tu; bali, hata mwanangu Dahamimz; waifu alimfukuza nyumbani, kwa kosa la kuonekana akiingia kwenye chumba cha mwanaume ilhali mimi nikiwa sipo... Baada ya kurudi niliuliza na baaada ya maelezo yake, nilimuunga mkono kwa maamuzi yale; lakini kesho yake alinigeuka na kumuita dahamimz akashinda naye nyumbani na kumwondoa kwa siri mara tu baada ya mimi kurudi sikujua walichokuwa wanapanga na nilijiuliza sana baada ya kufahamu kuwa kuna mawasiliano ya siri kati yao waifu na Dahamimz ilhali yeye ndiye aliyemfukuza Dahamimz.
    • Waifu kugombana na Phinawheh hadi kupelekea mwanangu kukimbilia mkoa jirani ambako aliishi kwa muda hadi kaka yake alipofanikiwa kujua alikojificha na kumfuata ili arudi shule... kama hiyo haitoshi baadaye mwanangu aliondoka tena na kutimkia kusikojulikana hadi leo.
    • Ugomvi wa waifu na Zeetela ambao ulitokea wakati mimi sipo na kwa mujibu wa waifu na majirani ni kwamba waifu aliponea pafinyu sana kipigwa na Zeetela ambaye aliwaka kwa kusema, “mama nina moto sana na wewe koz tumechoka kunyanyasika kwenye nyumba yetu wenyewe, tukaishi wapi?...ka shida ni kukaa hapa home; sasa nasepa bimkubwa ni gudi nikaishi kwa kuhangaika popote kuliko hapa nyumbani”.
    • Nilivyomuokoa waifu na kupelekwa mahakamani baada ya kumtukana vibaya jirani yake pindi nilipokua prinsipowa chuo lakini nililazimika kuomba msamaha tena kwa magoti kwani waifu alimtukana jirani yake kuwa amekondeana kama ana ukimwi tena ni kipindi ambacho unyanyapaa ndio ulikuwa umeshika kasi katika kupigwa marufuku.
    • Kutupiwa pete ya ndoa na waifu tena mbele ya watoto wangu na majirani zangu na kukimbilia kwa Eddyhep... hii ilitokea baada ya kelele kati ya waifu na Mrithi wangu baada ya mrithi wangu kutukanwa na Remavurugu. Mbali na hayo ndugu zake waifu walianza kunitumia jumbe kali hadi watoto wadogo ambao wako sawa na wanangu .
    • Suala la kuhalalisha ndoa ya mwanangu(Mwasuga) na mtoto wa kaka yake(Elishadai) tena kwa kuvunja ndoa halali ya Mwasuga bila kuogopa viapo vya wawili hao na hata Mungu.
    Kwa kuzingatia hayo na mengine mengi tu ambayo sikuwa na haja kuyaongelea katika waraka huu nawaombeni mtambue kuwa:
      Tangu nimuoe waifu sijawahi kupeleka neno lolote kwa upande wangu; upande wao; kwa balozi; kwa vyombo vya dini wala kwa watu wenye hekima ili kuficha na kuitunza heshima ya nyumba yangu. Lakini sasa nimeamua kuyaweka wazi kwani naona tumefika pabaya mpaka tunataka kurushana kwenye magazeti? Na ni wazi kuwa upande wa kwetu watashangaa sana kwani waliamini kuwa mimi na waifu twaishi kama paradiso.

      Je; kichwa, kinaweza kuwa mkia?

Angalizo ni kua nyumba yangu si nyumba ya kuchezea na kuhalalisha mambo ya kishenzi; kwani, huyo Remavurugu hadi anakuja kwangu alishafukuzwa na mumewe lakini mi kwa ujinga wangu nikampa hifadhi bila kujua kua atajiona ni mtawala wa wanangu ambao bila wao nisingekua na sababu ya kujenga hiyo nyumba ambayo aliitumia kuwatesea wanangu. Kutokana na hilo niliamua kumtimua ili asiendelee kuwafadhaisha wanangu katika utawala wao. Ebu fikiri kwa nini Remavurugu ampangie mwanangu mahali pa kulala tena bila kuzingatia maadili yetu ya kiafrika? Maana yake ni nini?
Ndio maana nauliza kwa nini wanangu wafanywe wanyonge katika utawala wao na katika nyumba yao tena na watoto ambao hawana haki yoyote kwangu zaidi ya kukaribishwa tu? Nani asimame kuwatetea ? Kwa nini waonewe na kutukanwa wakati makosa si yao?
Nanukuu maneno ya Remavurugu dhidi ya mtoto wa dada yake ambaye ni mrithi wangu
“mwajidai mmna nyumba, nyumba,... nyooooo... kwani hii ndo nzuri kupita zote na mtakufa nayo?... mlisema mi nalala nje kwa wanaume... ndo maana hutaki kuhamia nnnyumba kubwa mie nkae hapo nje... ili nisiende kwa hao wanaume wangu; je, mtanilala ninyi?...haya njoo basi unilale!...njoooo!... Njoooo!...”. Hivi ni sawa mtoto kuongea hivyo mbele ya wazazi?
Na iumbukwe kua hata siku nimewaita kupata suluhu alikiri kumtukana mrithi wangu na nilipomkemea na kumwambia nitamfukuza endapo atarudia alienda kunichambua huko kwa majirani tena bila hata kumuogopa waifu ambaye alikua naye wakati akinitukana mi na familia yangu bila kujali wadhifa na heshima nipewayo na wanajamii … labda alidhamiria kuharibu utumishi wangu na heshima yangu?
Je, hali hii ilimsikitisha waifu na nyie au mliona sawa tu, na ni kweli mnakubali mtoto wa upande wenu aitukane familia yangu kiasi hiki ilhali mmekaa kimya?
Sina uhakika, lakini kama ndio mtindo wenu; watoto kutukanana kiasi hiki,tena bila kujali kama huyu ni kaka au yule ni dada naomba msiipandikize hali hiyo maana kwangu hainaga nafasi... tambueni kua mkubwa ni mkubwa tu na mdogo atabaki kua mdogo tu; hivyo, lazima maji yafuate mkondo. Nawaombeni tuwaongoze wanetu ili waheshimiane; wapendane; wajaliane na hata kushirikiana... nasema hivi lazima wanetu waheshimiane; mbona hata barabarani kuna alama ziongozazo magari yaende kwa usalama na lazima alama hizo zizingatiwe. Awekaye alama ni sisi wazazi na madereva ni watoto ambao lazima tuwabane kuzifuata alama hizo.
Ombi langu ni kua matusi yaishie hukohuko lakini si kwenye malango yangu; maana sikuwahi kusikia hata siku moja matusi ya ndugu kwa ndugu kwenye malango ya baba yangu na ni lazima nizue yasijeyakaanzia kwenye malango yangu, sisi tulifundishwa kuheshimiana; na kupendana nami najitahidi kuufundisha uzao wangu so please iacheni familia yangu...

Wakati mtu hujaoa au kuolewa kila kitu upatacho unasema ni kitu changu yaani chako peke yako; lakini mambo hubadilika pindi unapooa au kuolewa kwani kila kinachopatikana mtakiita chetu... hapa ubinafsi huisha na tena mkishapta watoto, wazo hupanuka zaidi na kukiita kila mkipatacho kua ni ni urithi wa watoto maana hao ndio warithi wa mali zilizochumwa na baba na mama wala si maneno yangu bali ni toka zamani za uhenguni. Hivyo basi; si baba wala mama, ambaye anaweza kurithi mali yoyote waliyochuma pamoja ila watoto pekee.
Sasa basi mimi kama baba; nikiona nimeshindwa kuishi na waifu, ninatakiwa kuondoka bila kitu chochote na kuziacha mali zote chini ya waifu na watoto ili waitunze mali hiyo na kuitumia mpaka Mwenye enzi Mungu wetu atakapoamua kumchukua waifu na ndipo mali yote itakua ni urithi wa watoto na vivyo hivyo ikitokea waifu akashindwa kuishi nami na watoto ataondoka na kuacha mali kwa watoto chini ya uangalizi wangu hadi hapo nitakapoishiwa pumzi ndipo watoto watarithi mali. Hii ina maana kwamba baba hana ruksa wala haki, hali kadhalika waifu hana ruksa wala haki hiyo ya kuchukua mali ya watoto na kama wote wanaondoka ni dhahiri kuwa wataondoka na kuacha mali zote kwani hizo mali ni urithi wa watoto tu na si vinginevyo... maana kama wazazi wetu wangefanya hivyo sisi tungerithi nini wakati kumbe kama ikitokea mzozo wowote mume au mke anasomba vitu vyote? Na kama mmoja kati yetu ataamua kuoa(mimi); kuolewa(waifu); au akibaki na watoto azingatie mambo yafuatayo:
  • asijaribu kumleta mwenzi wake katika nyumba ya watoto ili kuepuka manyanyaso yatakayojitokeza
  • vitu vyote na nyumba awaachie watoto yeye akaanze maisha mapya na mwenzi wake kwani mali ni ya watoto tu na si vinginevyo.
  • Alinde na kuitunza mali yote kwani ni urithi wa watoto.
  • Asichukue wala kutoa kitu bila idhini ya watoto wote yaani baada ya kikao cha maridhiano na watoto.
  • Asiingize vitu ndani ya nyumba bila watoto kujua maana siku wakiona vinatoka itakua vita kama si shida.
Licha ya hayo nawaomba wanangu tuache ubinafsi maana nilipitia magumu mengi hadi kuwapatia elimu nzuri; ambayo, leo hata nikiishiwa pumzi sijutii kwani nimejithidi kuwapa elimu bora kabisa tena inayoendana na ushindani wa dunia ya leo. Kila mtu aache kuita vitu vya familia vyangu kama waifu apendavyo kuviita bali vyenu na mwisho wa siku ni urithi wenu wote...msije kumtupa waifu maana pasipo yeye msingeliona jua na hata kufikia hapo mlipo... mheshimuni tena mheshimuni sana, maana mzazi ni jiwe kwani hata likikuangukia litakuumiza na ukiliangukia utaumia vivyo hivyo.
Nimeamua kusema mapema maana ninaona wenzangu wako bize kunishambulia kwa maneno na vitendo sasa ili kuepusha zozo litakalotokea pindi nikilala milele maana kama bado nipo, wanangu wameshaanza kuteswa na ndugu itakuaje nikikaa kimya kwenye nyumba ya milele? Nawaachia wosia huu mapema ili kuepusha fujo endapo wanangu mtachachamaa kudai haki yenu... nisiposema sasa naamini nitasababisha fujo na uadui. Nawaomba wanangu muwe na busara endapo itatokea hivyo na huu waraka utakua ndio nguzo na kinga ya haki yenu tuliyowatafutia na waifu kipndi chote cha maisha yetu ya furaha. Huu ni wosia wangu kwenu … take care my children... nawapenda sana.

Familia nyingi ; baada ya vifo vya baba zao, mtoto mkubwa wa kiume huweka kitini na kupewa madaraka ya kuiongoza familia. Lakini mara nyingi vijana hawa hukutana na vikwazo mbalimbali kutoka kwa mama zao; ndugu na hata watu wengine wa karibu ili kusambaratisha familia hizo. Watu hawa hutumia mbinu mbalimbali kuwachanganya; kuwagombanisha; na hata kuwagawa watoto wa familia hizo kwa kupandikiza chuki kati yao, hasa kwa kutumia uongo ili kuwatawala na pengine kumiliki mali zilizoachwa na wazazi zao. Nawaomba wanangu msije ruhusu jambo ka hilo kuwakuta naomba mkadumishe umoja wenu niliowaachia na kuwasisitiza ili muishi kwa amani tena kwa kupendana sana.
Kwa kumalizia napenda kukuulizeni shemeji zangu;
  • je,kwa maelezo hayo yote niliyokufafanulia nani alipaswa klaumiwa kuhusu misiba?
  • Je umegundua kua dada zako(waifu na mavurugu) uhusiano wao si wa nuru?
  • Je hao wajomba zako(Remavurugu na Nyakwehe) ambao wanawasumbua wanangu kwa matusi hayo madili unakubaliana nayo?
  • Na nina haki yoyote kupinga matendo yenu?
Vyovyote ufikiriavyo; mimi kama baba wa familia hii,nitasimama imara kuitetea familia yangu na vitu vyake. Na pia nawaomba wanangu msimame pamoja nami... tambueni kuwa wema ni akiba na ubaya ni akiba pia. Mungu yupo awainuaye wanyonge; na kwa uwezo wake nasi tutainuka kwa maana Yeye hamtupi mjoli wake.

Wanangu katika andiko hili nawaagiza na kuwaomba mpendane;
mheshimiane; mthaminiane;mhurumiane; msaidiane; mlindane; na muwe na
umoja wenye nia moja, lugha moja, sauti moja na uamuzi mmoja. Mkifanya
hivyo hakuna hata mmoja atakayewachezea au kujaribu kuwatenganisha
kwani mtaheshimiwa na kuogopwa kupitia umoja wenu; na hata, siku
nikiondoka hapa duniani mtabaki na waifu ambaye atakuwa ndiye mshauri
wenu kabla na yeye kuchukuliwa na Mwenye enzi Mungu maana naamini
hatutawazika wenetu ila nyie ndo mtuzike sie. Kumbukeni kuwa kiongozi
wa familia ni yule mtoto atakayepewa madaraka kwa kuketishwa kitini na
wazee wa mila au wa ukoo na lazima wanangu wote mmheshimu huyo kwani
ndio atakayekua baba yenu badala yangu... kila tukio katika familia
lazima liongozwe na kiongozi huyo ambaye ndiye atakuwa mwenyekiti wa
kila kikao na watoto wengine watakua wajumbe wakati waifu atakuwa
mshauri wenu na mmheshimu sana kwa ushauri mzuri na mrekebisheni kwa
heshima na hekima pale atoapo ushauri usiofaa. Kiongozi wa familia
unatakiwa kuwaheshimu wajumbe pamoja na waifu ikiwa ni pamoja na
kuwasahihisha; kuwashauri na kuwaonya kwa heshima na hekima ikiwa
imefikia wakati umeshindwa kuwaunganisha ndugu zako, washirikishe wazee
wenye hekima watakuongoza njia nzuri ya kutatua aina yoyote ya mapito
Nawakumbuka pia wanangu wa kike ambao ni dada zenu kuwa haki zao ni
sawa kabisa na nyie hata kama walishaolewa zamani sana na kutoshiriki
kikamilifu katika kuinua uchumi wa familia yenu. Naamini kwa ukarimu
na upendo niliwaonesha wanangu hamtaweza kuwanyanyasa dada zenu hasa
pale wanapokuwa na uhitaji...kwa sababu ninyi watoto wa kiume
mmeshiriki kwa kiasi kikubwa kuifikisha familia yenu hapo ilipo; mna
mamlaka makubwa kutokana na jasho lenu kumwagika kwa kiasi
kilichowezesha sisi kuwa na hali hii kiuchumi.
Hivyo basi kama dada zenu wakiomba kupewa haki yoyote wanapaswa kuomba kwa adabu na utii na wakifanya hivyo, nawaomba muwafikirie maana nao ni damu yenu na wana haki ya kurithi
mali ila watambue kuwa mmewapa haki hiyo kwa neema tu maana
niliwapatia elimu nzuri ambayo wamepeleka matunda yake huko
walikoolewa... na tambueni kuwa mnatakiwa kuwalinda dada zenu na
mhakikishe mnawatembelea kujua kama wanaishi kwa amani maana mwajua
kuishi nje ya nchi ni sawa na utumwa. Zingatieni maneno haya maana
yawezekana sitakuja bahatika kutoa wosia wangu kwenu maana hakuna
anayetambua ni lini kifo kitampata. Mkijenga upendo kati yenu
mtabarikiwa sana... maana Mungu hubariki nyumba yenye amani; furaha;
upendo;utulivu na maelewano. Kila mkipatacho gawaneni kwa amani;
upendo; haki na usawa ili kuepuka magomvi na kukaribisha baraka na
rehema za Mungu , na hakika kupitia hayo mtabarikiwa. Wenye busara
wanadai kua atafutaye mali au kufanikiwa kwa kuwasukuma wenzake;
kuwadunisha; au kwa njia zisizo halali na zile za kishirikina hung'aa
kwa muda na baadaye huwa masikini kuliko watu wote na ataondoka kwa aibu
duniani hapa. Tena kumbukeni maneno yangu niliyowaeleza tangu mkiwa bado wadogo, kipindi kile ni mwalimu; kuwa muepuke kujenga karibukaribu  kama inavyojionesha katika picha .
Kielelezo picha kutoka jamiiforum(
tena sitaki kabisa mkae karibu na ndugu zenu ili kuepusha magomvi ya waifu
na wake zenu hata kelele za mawifi... nyie wenyewe ni mashahidi kilichotokea kwa
mwalimu mwezangu ambaye kila siku alisuluhisha magomvi kati ya watoto (wao kwa wao); mama mkwe na wakwe zake pamoja na
mawifi dhidi ya mawifi hadi kupelekea familia ile kusambaratika kwa
aibu kubwa. Kutokaka na nyie kutosikia na mkaamua kukaa karibu karibu na ndugu zenu tena hao wenye kuwachukia ni wazi kuwa mtafarakanishwa na kugombanishwa kitu kitakachopelekea kutoelewana katika maisha yenu. Hivyo basi nawaombeni mkasikie maneno yangu kwani nayanena ili kuwafanya muelewe kuwa ni sharti mpendane na kuthaminiana bila kuwepo kwa chuki wala masimango yasomaana. Mkizingatia hayo hamtofika katika mafarakano ila kupendana na kuheshimiana kama nilivyowaamuru na kuwahusia.

Zingatieni hayo mkaishi kwa amani na upendo ili msiishe kuilinda amani ya ukoo wenu.
Kama isemavyo biblia takahai katika wakolosai 3 na 4 na haya ni baadhi tu maneno katika sura hizo yawafaayo ninyi:
Elekezeni mioyo yenu kwenye mambo ya juu, alikokaa Kristo, upande wa
kulia wa Mungu. Yafikirini mambo ya juu na siyo mambo ya hapa duniani.
Basi, yaangamizeni kabisa mambo yote yanayotokana na asili yenu ya
kidunia: uasherati, mawazo machafu, tamaa mbaya, nia mbaya na choyo
ambayo ni ibada ya sanamu. Kwa sababu ya mambo haya, ghadhabu ya Mungu
inakuja. Ninyi mlikuwa mkitenda mambo haya katika maisha yenu ya
zamani. Lakini sasa ni lazima mwachane kabisa na mambo kama haya:
hasira, ghadhabu, nia mbaya, matukano na maneno machafu kutoka
vinywani mwenu. Msiambiane uongo kwa maana mmekwisha vua utu wenu wa
zamani pamoja na matendo yake na kuvaa utu upya ambao unaendelea
kufanywa upya katika ufahamu ili ufanane na Muumba wake. Katika hali
hii hakuna tena tofauti kati ya... aliyetahiriwa na
asiyetahiriwa, mtu aliyesoma na asiyesoma, mtumwa na mtu huru. Bali
Mfalme ni yote na yumo ndani ya wote. Basi, kwa kuwa ninyi ni wateule
wa Mungu, wapendwa na watakauhai, vaeni moyo wa huruma, wema,
unyenyekevu, upole na uvumilivu. Vumilianeni na kusameheana kama mtu
ana malalamiko kuhusu mwenzake. Sameheni kama Bwana alivyokwisha
kuwasamehe. Juu ya haya yote, vaeni upendo ambao unaunganisha mambo
haya kuwa kitu kimoja kilicho kikamilifu.
Ruhusuni amani ya Mfalme itawale mioyoni mwenu kwa kuwa ninyi kama
viungo vya mwili mmoja mmeitiwa amani. Tena muwe na shukrani. Neno la
Mfalme lidumu ndani yenu kwa wingi, mki fundisha na na kuonyana katika
hekima yote; na huku mkiimba zaburi, nyimbo na tenzi za rohoni na
mkiwa na shukrani kwa Mungu mioyoni mwenu. Na lolote mtakalofanya,
ikiwa kwa neno au kwa tendo, fanyeni yote katika jina la Mfalme,
mkimshukuru Mungu Baba kupitia kwake.
Mtu atendaye uovu atalipwa kwa uovu wake, wala hakuna
atakayependelewa. Ninyi mabwana, watendeeni watumwa wenu haki na
ilivyo sawa mkitambua ya kwamba ninyi pia mnaye Bwana mbinguni.
Dumuni katika maombi, mkikesha na kushukuru. Muwe na hekima katika
uhusiano wenu na watu wasioamini, mkiutumia wakati wenu vizuri.
Mazungumzo yenu yawe ya unyenyekevu wakati wote, yawe ya kuvutia, ili
mjue jinsi ya kumjibu kila mtu.”
Hayo ni maneno yangu kwenu wanangu nikiwahusia mema katika dunia hii ya mateso kwa wale waaminio na raha sana kwa wale wasoimani ya Mfalme wa kweli... Pia nawaombeni wanangu muwe makini sana na ibada za machukizo na makufuru ambazo nyingi zao twazifanya hali tukiamini kuwa twamwabudu Mfalme wa kweli kumbe si kweli... nawasihi wanangu kusoma sana neno la Mwenye enzi Mungu ili kuitafuta sauti yake na kuisikiliza hiyo baada ya kuipata...hali mkijua kusamehe na kujihurumia na ile hukumu ya Mfalme ibebayo ghadhabu ya Mwenye kutuumba....
Na pia nawatakia mashemeji zangu maisha yenye baraka tele kwani mimi nilishawasamehe zamani sana ndio maana nilikuwa kimya kwa muda mrefu saana mlipokuwa mkinilaumu na kunishutumu...
Mungu awajalie hekima katika kuishi na watu na ninawaomba mnisamehe pale nilipowakosea ikiwa ni pamoja na kusimama katika kweli ya Mwenye enzi Mungu wetu mwenye kutubariki na kutujaalia amani yake...msiache kumpenda na kumuabudu Yeye maana pasi yeye hakuna liwezekanalo...tubuni maana hukumu yake ipitayo fahamu zote yaja upesi; kila goti litapigwa na kila ulimi utakiri ya kuwa hukumu yake Mfalme ni ya kweli na haki baasi tuyaache maoovu yetu … wala tusiabudu mali kwani mali si kitu wala chochote mbele za Mwenye enzi Mungu...
 Pia naihusia familia yangu kuwa zingatieni mafundisho yangu na mkaishi kwayo. Kwa kuwa na lugha moja; sauti moja; nia moja; usemi mmoja; na uamuzi wa pamoja... Mkiishi katika hayo mtafanikiwa katika dunia hii...
Nawatakia kheri na fanaka katika maisha yenu .
            Asanteni saaaaana..
                      Ni mimi Sa Masalu. 

Alpha Hezron Mayengo ni muhitimu katika kitivo cha elimu; akijihusisha na masomo ya historia na kiswahili katika ndaki ya Mtakatifu Agustino-Mwanza Tanzania. Alihitimu elimu yake mwaka 2016, na kuanza kujishughulisha na uandishi wa vitabu kabla ya kujihusisha na kazi nyingine. Ni mmiliki wa blog pia inayojulikana kama ambayo imejaza mambo mengi yanayokuza lugha yetu ya Kiswahili.

                                                                                           Nawatakia kheri na fanaka katika maisha yenu .
                                                                                                                    Asanteni saaaaana..

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

An Investigation of Challenges Facing Effective Working of Group Discussion in Higher Learning Institutions in Tanzania: A Case of St. Augustine University of Tanzania - Mwanza (main campus).


An Investigation of Challenges Facing Effective Working of Group Discussion in Higher Learning Institutions in Tanzania: A Case of St. Augustine University of Tanzania - Mwanza (main campus).

 A research report submitted to the faculty of education in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Bachelor Degree in Arts with education at St. Augustine University of Tanzania.
                                                   By:  MAYENGO ALPHA H.
                                                           BAED 43404
                                                               MAY, 2016

I MAYENGO Alpha, declaring this being MY OWN work; that, it has not as been presented by any   for a degree award as I will do.

This work has been submitted with the approval of my supervisor

All thanks to God, and may bless us, our nation, and the world particularly. I would like to dedicate this work to my supervisor,  my beloved father and mother, my family, my lovely daughter, Agatha and all my friends including all participants  of  this research for their contributions.

I submit my first thanks to our Almighty God for the gift of life that HE gives us. Thanks our heavenly Lord!  As you have allowed me, to do this earning a degree award.
Thanks my supervisor who made me to have this best work, as he has showed me the way to this best analysis on challenges facing effective working of group discussion in higher learning institutions using SAUT as example of higher learning institutions Tanzania.
My beloved father and mother would like to thank for what you have done for me since I was young till now I do appreciate on your effort you have made to me.
My gratitude and appreciation go to my family who always they were by my side, since without their assistance this work would not have been accomplished.
 Also I wish to thank all SAUT groups especially those who welcomed me to conduct interview with them and my group (enlightenment group) who I value their contributions in the accomplishment of this work.
Special thanks goes to Mr. Kasambala who kindly contributed on this study,and all who might have assisted me; but do not appear in this work, especially Secilia and Sasha. I appreciated their assistance they offered to this work and   may God bless them all.


This study deal with An Investigation on Challenges Facing Effective Working of Group Discussion in Higher Learning Institutions in Tanzania: A Case of St. Augustine University of Tanzania-Mwanza (main campus) in Nyamagana district; it has been presented in five chapters under the guidance of the following specific objectives:
(a)To identify and examine various challenges on effective working of group discussion in Tanzanian higher learning institutions.
(b)To identify the causes and impacts of challenges hindering work effectiveness to     some group discussions in higher learning institutions.
(c)To understand and analyze group participants’ perceptions about the basis of group discussion, guides and ways used to device effective group discussion.
This study was drawn from Max Weber’s theory of symbolic interaction that tends to explain how individuals relate with each other and what used in facilitating a relationship between individuals and group of people in the society. Since the researcher attempted to show how the behavior expressed by members of group that one belongs and by members of one’s personal networks have influence on effective interaction between people. Therefore, the researcher showed how people rely on the opinions of others; especially, when a situation is highly uncertain or ambiguous and no objective evidence is readily available. Also the researcher used cognitive learning theory which implies that, the different processes concerning learning can be explained by analyzing the mental processes first. It posits that with effective cognitive processes, learning is easier and new information can be stored in the memory for a long time. Therefore the researcher  used social cognitive theory and symbolic interaction theory since these theories were very useful in the investigation of challenges facing effective working of group discussion in higher learning institutions in Tanzania.
This study had been done under the light of qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches where by the findings were presented and analyzed using statistical data and descriptive data. All findings were collected using questionnaire, interview, and documentary approaches.
The following are some of findings of this study as were drawn from the field study:
(a) Causes of challenges to E.W of G.D in SAUT
These causes were; not working as team or dependency, lack of commitment, misunderstandings, a sense of self-importance or superiority, personality clashes, too much number of courses, lack of Cohesion, love affairs/sexual relationships, school fees penalty, time and environment, use of drugs, laziness, bad personal time table, and personal ability, and poor allocation of time for group works.
  (b) Challenges facing E.W of G.D in SAUT  
Challenges facing effective working of G.D were;environment, peer pressure, personal problems, family issues, misunderstandings about responsibilities , lack of commitment to some group members, one person doing all the work, personality clashes, frequently charting, allocating time, learning resources, rising conflicts among members' group, punctuality, and group rules and regulations.
Therefore, this study accounted for the causes, challenges, impact and possible measures to improve effective working of group discussion in SAUT and THLI in general. Then its better to improve this teaching methodology because  it is the best way of bringing learners together and influences fully participation of all learners
The researcher; recommended that, all group discussions, learners, lecturers and HLIs in Tanzania must develop strategies on effective ways to device effective working and use them effectively by improving areas where group discussion can be done in effective way, increasing learning resources, removing school fees penalty, educating learners about the effective use of this teaching method including counseling learners about choices of courses with their expected dreams as well as reducing the number of courses per semester.

                                                                   LIST OF TABLES
 Table 4:1:1 showing respondents' responses on age …............................................................  
Table 4:1:2 The respondents responses on year of their study are.......................................................
Table 4:2:1 the respondents' responses on the presence of various challenges to effective working of group discussion in SAUT........................................................................................................................
Table 4:2:2  Respondents' responses on challenges facing G.D in SAUT........................................
Table 4:3:1 showing respondents' responses  on causes of challenges facing effective working of group discussion in SAUT.
Table 4:3:2 showing respondents' responses  on impact of challenges facing effective working of group discussion in SAUT.
Table 4:4:1 showing respondents results on solution measures to be adhered so to device effective working of group discussion in SAUT

                                     LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS
BAED: Bachelor  of Art with Education
E.W:      Effective working
G.D:     Group Discussion
H.L.Is:   Higher Learning Institutions
SAUT:  Saint Augustine University of Tanzania
T.H.L.I:  Tanzanian higher learning institutions

                                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS
Declaration ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Dedication ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Acknowledgement ……………………………………………………………………………..
List of table ……………………………………………………………………………………
List of abbreviation.....................................................................................................................
                                                         CHAPTER ONE
 1:0 introduction……………………………………………………………………………….....
1:1 Background of the study…………………………………………………………………….
1:2 Statement of the problem……………………………………………………………………
1:3 Research objectives………………………………………………………………………….
1:3:1 General objective…………………………………………………………………………
1:3:2 Specific objective………………………………………………………………………….
1:4 Research questions………………………………………………………………………….
1.5 Significance of the study……………………………………………………………………
1.6 Scope of the study……………………………………………………………………………
                                                                  CHAPTER TWO
                                                             RITERATURE REVIEW
2.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………
2.2 Theoretical literature review…………………………………………………………………
2.3 Related literature review…………………………………………………………………….
2:4 Research gap………………………………………………………………………………….
                                                             CHAPTER THREE
                                                   RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
3:1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………..
3:2 Research Design…………………………………………………………………………..
3:3 Area of the study…………………………………………………………………………..
3:4 Targeted population………………………………………………………………………
3:5 Sample size…………………………………………………………………………………
3:6 Sampling procedures……………………………………………………………………….
3:6:1 Simple random sampling…………………………………………………………………
3:6:2 Purposive sampling………………………………………………………………………
3:7 Data collection tools……………………………………………………………………….
3:7:1 Interview…………………………………………………………………………………….
3:7:2 Questionnaires……………………………………………………………………………..
3:8 Data processing………………………………………………………………………………
3:9 Data analysis……………………………………………………………………………….
3:10 Ethical issues……………………………………………………………………………..
                                                           CHAPTER FOUR
                                               FINDINGS,  ANALYSIS, AND DISCUSSIONS
4:0 Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………
4:1 Respondents' personal details ………………………………………………………………
4:2 Challenges facing effective working of G.D in SAUT...................................................................
4:3 Causes and impact of challenges facing G.D in SAUT...................................................................
4:4 Guides, Basis, and Ways to device effective group discussion......................................................
 4:5 Discussion 
                                                             CHAPTER FIVE
5:1 Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………
5:2 Summary ……………………………………………………………………………………
5:3 Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………….
5:4 Recommendation ……………………………………………………………………………
References ………………………………………………………………………………………
Appendices ……………………………………………………………………………………
Appendix I & II………………………………………………………………………………                                  

                                                          CHAPTER ONE
1:1 Introduction
This chapter gave a researcher a room to present: background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study,   significance of the study, scope of the study and research gap.
1:2 Background of the study
Group discussion refers to a communicative situation that allows its participants to express their views and opinions including sharing those views and opinions with other participants of same group.
Thus; Group discussion, is a new trend that has come up in order to evaluate student personality whereby participants are made to discuss on a topic or subject for a limited time and then assessed accordingly.
Nelson, (1996) examined the use of Group Discussion in higher learning institutions in America and came up with conclusion that, “the courses taught by traditional lectures are actually biased against those students who join to college classes without strong preparational training.”  Thus, the need of students is team working or Group Discussion so as to benefit the knowledge content.  
He used the example of reducing ‘D’ and ‘F’ grade to African-American students from sixty percent of failures when learning personally or individually up to four percent after the use of team work or group discussion in American higher learning especially colleges.  Therefore, he recommended the use of Group Discussion technique since it is as knowledge beneficial to all students because it is pedagogical approach that encourages sound principles of learning and ever lasting memory.
Apart from that, Group Discussion in higher learning institutions nowadays has got great value as learning believed to be widely enhanced when the content to be learnt are deeply analyzed though critical discussion that allow group members clearing their doughty on subject matter that build ever lasting memory to learners.
As far as Group Discussion develops a better perspective on issues by bringing out diverse view point when learners exchange differing views on an issue, and that allows them get clear picture or information on discussed content for further understanding when dealing on a certain issue or study (Bliuc, et al,.2011).
Seeing the importance of Group Discussion in effective learning to learners especially in higher learning institutions; it has being recommended to use such technique worldwide for effective learning in higher learning institutions. Taking SAUT- Mwanza (main campus) as an example, there are groups formed and assigned to do various assignments by discussing together after library research. Presence of fifteen to twenty people per group, marking the use of this technique by higher learning institutions, for example Enlightenment group, Unity group, Tamaduni group, Malcom X group, Hospitality group, and the like, all these are groups in BAED 3(2015/2016).
Although; these groups given equal time, working different assignments by visiting various sources of information, but there was variation in working effectively. Seeing that variation on effective working, marking the presence of challenges that influence poor working to some groups in different Higher Learning institutions since some groups lacking some critical tips on conducting academic Group Discussion to meet effective working.
1:3   statement of the problem
In Tanzanian Higher Learning Institutions, learners are assigned to form Group Discussions that allow them to exchange searched information when tackling a given assignment(s).This can be evidenced by the presence  of various groups in SAUT –Mwanza(main campus); whereby, number of groups are assigned to discuss various matters according to the courses of  their option. The use of group discussion was recommended and useful to learners since it gives a chance to learners to have a deep searching and analysis of various topics that influence critical thinking and reasoning hence effective learning. Group discussion as it subjected to be a group of individuals with similar interest who gather either formally or informally to bring up ideas, solve problems or giving various comments on a certain level and field.
 Nelson (1996) contributed on the use of Group discussion to be as a knowledge beneficial since it encourages sound principles of learning and memory.
Aamodt, (1983) explained on the usefulness of group discussion to learners as well as the ability with preference of learners to be drawn from this modern way of teaching and learning process.
Due to the presence of variation in performance of various groups in different higher educational institutions and sometimes not submitting assignments on a directed time, it is shows that there is something which influences the occurrence of such situations. This study was addressed on the investigation on challenges facing effective working of group discussion in higher learning institutions in Tanzania using SAUT’s groups as case study. 
1:4 Research objectives
1:4:1 General Objective
To investigate various challenges facing effective working of group discussions in Tanzanian higher learning institutions.
1:4:2 Specific objectives
i. To identify and examine various challenges on effective working of group discussion in Tanzanian higher learning institutions.
ii. To identify the causes and impacts of challenges hindering work effectiveness to some group discussions in higher learning institutions.
iii. To understand and analyze group participants’ perceptions about the basis of group discussion, guides and ways used to device effective group discussion.
1:5 Research questions
i. What are the challenges on effective working to group discussion in Tanzanian higher learning institutions?
ii. What are the causes and impacts of challenges on effective working to group discussions?
iii. What are the perceptions of respondents on solutions to meet work effectiveness?
1:6 Significant of the study
A number of documentations and researches had been done by various scholars on criteria to effective group discussion and working, that marking the presence of little knowledge to learners on conducting effective group discussions. Under the light by various scholars and researchers, the researcher believed that this study acted as the benchmark to whom they will have access on it. For instance:
i. To learners
This study will help the learners to identify challenges and observing suitable tips to be followed so as to have effective working in their respective groups.
ii. To institutional administrators
This study will provide vital information to institutional administrators especially on improving the means of acquiring written sources that are useful to learners according to field given out by such institution.
iii. To the researcher
The researcher will have the opportunity to know what is behind the work effectiveness to SAUT’s groups as well as being a complimentary for the award of bachelor degree including being as a baseline to the coming researchers and scholars.
1:7 Scope of the study
The study was conducted in Nyamagana district, by collecting data from students and lecturers in SAUT-Mwanza (main campus).

                                                        CHAPTER TWO
                                              LITERATURE REVIEW
2:1 Introduction
This chapter presented literature review concerning the challenges facing effective working of group discussion in Tanzanian higher learning institutions; as it was already established and documented by various scholars, professionals, and researchers in relation to the study area. The key focus of this chapter comprised of theoretical and related literature review including research gap that this study intended to work on it.
2:2 Literature review
2:2:1 Theoretical literature review
This study was drawn from Max Weber’s theory of symbolic interaction that tends to explain how individuals relate with each other and what is used in facilitating a relationship between individuals and group of people in the society. Since the researcher may attempt to show how the behavior expressed by members of group that one belongs and by members of one’s personal networks have influence on effective interaction between people. Therefore, the researcher showed how people rely on the opinions of others; especially, when a situation was highly uncertain or ambiguous and no objective evidence was readily available. As this study was guided by this theory, it gave the researcher a room to know assumptions proposing that the social world was made up of symbols that human beings used as a means of interaction. By following Weber’s theory that identified various assumptions on social world as criteria to be followed when working with interaction between people groups as well as institutions.
Also the researcher used  the cognitive learning theory that explains why the brain is the most incredible network of information processing and interpretation in the body as we learn things(Sincero ,2008). This theory can be divided into two specific theories: The social cognitive theory and the cognitive behavioral theory.
Cognitive learning theory implies that the different processes concerning learning can be explained by analyzing the mental processes first. It posits that with effective cognitive processes, learning is easier and new information can be stored in the memory for a long time. On the other hand, ineffective cognitive processes result to learning difficulties that can be seen anytime during the lifetime of an individual.
Therefore the researcher used social cognitive theory states that new experiences are experience versus the past to be evaluated by the learner by means of analyzing his past experiences with the same determinants. In the social cognitive theory, we were considering three variables that are behavioral factors, environmental factors and personal factors. Since this model clearly implies that for effective and positive learning to occur an individual should have positive personal characteristics, exhibit appropriate behavior and stay in a supportive environment it could be useful for this research.
 These theories were useful in the investigation of challenges facing effective working of group discussion in higher learning institutions in Tanzania.
2:2:2 Related literature review
Nelson, (2010) clearly studies and describes on the need of faculty members on deep understanding of their higher level goals; a set of effective pedagogical techniques for fostering goals and the content learning that support them as well as the way of combining the goals and techniques within time that both faculty and students can reasonably devote to the course. There is a deep analysis in this book in which he uses various documentary sources to show how different writers have recommended the use of cooperative learning in higher learning institutions. He acknowledges Perry’s works of 1968, 1970, and 1999 to be as a his light in understanding the tasks  the students must master in order to retain the content; understand scientific thinking; nature of science and to use critical thinking generally(see also Nelson 1999). He presents the list of books by various scholars that have equally importance to an early exposure to cooperative learning techniques as follows:
i. Nelson (2008a) lists books and websites with technics that are appropriate to biology.
ii. Sunburg and Dini (1993) showed for introductory-level biology that a course for non-major taught as much content as more content-dense course designed for majors even when both approaches used only traditional methods.
iii. Hake (1998a&b,2002) has assembled the most impressive data set assessing the effectiveness of alternative pedagogical strategies in science
Also; Nelson, clarifies the four key components of cooperative learning approaches and concludes by saying “Effort spent improving lectures is wasted unless the pedagogy is already has been transformed to use effective cooperative learning as it can be rather distressing initially for those of us who have spent a lot of time trying to improve lectures. Fortunately it is easy to implement basic cooperative learning even in large classes.
Davidson, et al(2010) researched on the key considerations in conducting focus group and discuss the specific consideration for focus group research with culturally and linguistically diverse group. According to their abstract they aimed at identifying those key considerations that is why they came up with findings from review that revealed several key issues involving focus group implementation recruitment; and concluding by identifying and recommending the use of focus group to be a usefully tool expanding the existing knowledge about service provision and identifying consumer needs that will assist in the development of future interactional programs particularly in multicultural population.
Dr. Bennette et al (2004) held a review that focused on small-group discussions in science teaching since it has been strongly advocated  as an important teaching approach in school science for a number of years partly arising from more general movement towards students centered; learning by   giving learners the opportunity to articulate a ad reflect on their own ideas about scientific phenomena the air of this review was to identify the ways in which small group discussions are currently used in science lessons and looking at the effects of small group discussions on students’ understanding science  ideas and attitudes to science.
Basing on analyzing how and the effects of using group discussion in understanding science including working on evidences that evaluate studies of the effects of small group discussion on students understanding; they concluded by showing results that, the number of studies identified though searching and searching process established that small group discussion hence significant improvement of students understanding of evidence.
They lastly recommended the use of group discussion as resulted to significantly higher achievement in understanding of evidence using a cue version.
2:5 Research gap                    
Despite the above literature reviews; there also number of documents that accounting on the use of group discussion to higher learning institutions, whereby various scholars have demonstrated their contributions on the use and importance including effectiveness of this method in teaching and learning process. Under that circumstance; the researcher, needs to fill the gap by identifying and examining the challenges facing effective working of group discussion in higher learning institutions in Tanzania.

                                                     CHAPTER THREE
                                             RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
3:1 Introduction
This chapter consisted of research type, research design, population and sampling procedure, data collection tools, presentation, and interpretation, including ethical issues.
3:2 Research type
 The researcher opted for qualitative and quantitative types of research so as to address the problem properly.
3:2:1 Qualitative research
Kamili, (2010:123) explains qualitative research type to be the one that explains data in a descriptive manner and deals with the quality than quantity by surveying for facts findings though enquiries of different kind. Also it concerned with natural phenomena qualitatively such as research on human behavior. Therefore; qualitative research, involved the presentation of data in form of words that were grouped in categories by emphasizing oral communication and gave the respondents a chance to state their problems and views the way they perceive themselves. This approach helped the researcher to obtain deep information on the topic concerned; since, it observed and explained clearly human behavior attitude and emotions.
3:2:2 Quantitative researches
Quantitative research is the information telling by explaining distribution of phenomena in quantity form that is presenting findings in statistical means (Kamili, 2010:122).
The researcher also intended to use quantitative research since it was usefully in presenting data using statistical means example when presenting sample size.
3:3 Research design
Kothari, (2004) defines research design as a plan structure and strategy of investigation conceived so as to obtain answers to research question and to control variance.
In that case the researcher adopted a case study design so as to provide in-depth information about particular small group and geographical area; since a case study defined as, a research strategy, an empirical inquiry that investigates a phenomenon within its real-life context (
 Thus the study required the respondents who were familiar with challenges facing effective working of group discussion in higher learning institutions in Tanzania and it was a case study oriented.
.3:4 Area of the study
SAUT is located in Mwanza region; in Nyamagana district, at Luchelele ward, ten kilometers from city center nearby Lake Victorian shore. This educational institution has got large area that accommodates large number of learners per each year and that large number of students helped the researcher to obtain critical and workable data for the effective accomplishment of this study since the study conducted at that place.
3:5 Targeted  Population
Bryman (2008), population form a basis from which the sample or subject for the study is drawn since is the entire group of people events or thing of interest that the researcher wishes to investigate. In relation to that; the researcher, intended to investigate various challenges faced effective working from students and lecturers from whom they had involved and had experiences of group discussions in SAUT.
3:6 Sample size
Sample size refers to a number of items to be selected from universe to constitute a sample. (Kothari 2004). The total population of students and lecturers in SAUT- Mwanza were approximated to be 7210. Therefore; the respondents included students, lecturers, and G.D at SAUT- Mwanza, since each student had got his or her own group of discussion. The researcher used the following formula to obtain the actual number of sample size:
N = n/1 + n (E) ²
n = Total population
N = Sample size
E = Constant (0.1)
Total population (n) = 7210
N =?
E = 0.1
Therefore N = 7210 /1 + 7210(0.1)²
N = 7210/1 + 7210 (0.01)
N =7210/1 + 72.1
N=7210/1 (1×1) 72.1
N= 100
Therefore, sample size were one hundred(100).
3.7 Sampling procedures
Kombo and Tromp (2010) Sampling technique is a procedure the researcher adapts in selecting some sample units from which inference about the population are drawn.  In this study the researcher used simple random sampling and purposive sampling.
3.7.1 Simple random sampling
According to Kothari (2004:59) simple random sampling is the sampling procedures which ensure that each unity in the population has equal chance to be included in the sample. The study used simple random sampling techniques to get sample from the students of SAUT; whereby, students were chosen randomly and all of them had equal opportunity of being selected.  Therefore; the researcher, randomly picked any respondent to be included in the sample.
3.7.2 Purposive sampling
Purposive sampling is selecting a sample “on the basis of your own knowledge of the population, its elements and the nature of your research aims”.(Latham, 2007). Under that light; the researcher, selected respondents among the lecturers and groups in SAUT so as to have a critical and real investigation on problems faced effective working of some groups in their respectively organization.
 3:8 Data collection tools
According to Dodge (2015)  Data collection is the process gathering the measuring information on variable of interest in an established systematic fashion that enables one to answer stated research questions, hypothesis and evaluate outcome. In this study the researcher intended to use questionnaires and interview including focus group discussion and documentary methods so as to have a deep searching of knowledge.
3:8:1 Interview
 An interview is a conversation between two or more people where questions are asked by the interviewer to elicit facts or statements from the interviewee (
Thus; the researcher conducted interview so as to obtain data from respondents by purposive sampling.
3:8:2 Questionnaire
Questionnaire is a set of questions to be asked of a number of people usually in order to gather information or opinion (
Therefore; questionnaire of this study, consisted both open ended and close ended questionnaire as a tool of collecting information from the lecturers and students on the assigned problem with consideration to documentary approach.
3:9 Data processing
 Data processing refers to the process of editing coding data classification and tabulation of the collected data so as to give meaning it is a process that prepares collected raw data for smooth analysis (Kothari, 2004). The researcher did such a thing for the collected   data so as to ensure the data are correct and matched with other facts collected.                      
3:10 Data analysis
Analysis of data is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision-making( 
Due to the nature of this research; the researcher, used both qualitative and quantitative analysis of data in which different statistical data calculated and simplified were quantitatively analyzed contrary to non-statistical data that were qualitatively analyzed.
3:12 Ethical issues
According to Suzgo (2002) ethics is the study of systems and customs as seen in the lives of particular group of human beings, the focus of the study was on moral values and human conduct. This study was conducted under research code of ethics so as to obtain reliable information from respondents in the field.
The privacy and dignity of respondents were considered in this study; hence the researcher ensured that, there was no any possibility of making threat(s) to respondents by any means though keeping the confidential data given out by the respondents to avoid spreading of their contributions to other parts.

4:0 Introduction
This chapter accounted for the research findings and analysis of data including discussion over an investigation of challenges facing effective working of group discussion in higher learning institutions in Tanzania. The findings were from a hundred (100) respondents who responded to given questionnaire and conducted interview basing on the following specific objectives:
  1. To identify and examine various challenges on effective working of group discussion in Tanzanian higher learning institutions.
  2. To identify the causes and impacts of challenges hindering work effectiveness to some group discussions in higher learning institutions.
  3. To understand and analyze group participants’ perceptions about the basis of group discussion, guides and ways used to device effective group discussion.
Questionnaires were given to SAUT students while interview was for lecturers and group discussions, followed by the analysis of data, presentation, and interpretation of collected data. This chapter was sectioned under respondents' personal details; challenges on effective working of group discussion; causes and impact of challenges facing effective working of group discussion; and guides, basis, and ways to device effective group discussion.
The respondents involved in this study were students, lecturers, and group discussion to whom they form present human resources in SAUT.
The students were indicated to show their age and year of study by the researcher and their responses were as follows:
Table 4:1:1 showing respondents' responses on age
18-27 15 16.67%
28-37 45 50%
38-47 15 16.67%
48-57 10 11.11%
58+ 5 5.56%
TOTAL 90 100%

Table 4:1:1 showing the ages of respondents were from 18 years old and were revealed as follows; 18-27 were 15 (16.67%); 28-37 were 45(50%); 38-47 were 15(16.67%); 47-57 were 10(11.11%); and 58+ 5(5.56%) respondents from whom the researcher distributed questionnaire to respond.
Table 4:1:2 The respondents responses on year of their study are.
First year 25 27.78%
Second year 20 22.22%
Third year 45 50%
TOTAL 90 100%

The participated respondents were from from both ages without considering their sex whereby from first year were 25(27.78%) ; second year, 20 (22.22%) ;while third year were 45(50% )respondents as shown in table 4:1:2 above. Also one lecturer and nine group discussions were interviewed without seeking their personal details.
4:2 Objective one: Challenges facing effective working of group discussion in higher learning institutions in Tanzania.
Since the investigation of challenges facing effective working of group discussion in higher learning institutions in SAUT; was the main objective of this study, the researcher asked respondents to verify if there is challenges facing their work effectiveness or not, and to mention those challenges as it can be proved in questionnaire's question number 7 (a) and (b) and in interview guidance for lecturers and group discussions.
This facilitated the collection of the following findings as were analyzed in table 4:2:1 and table 4:2:2 below:
Table 4:2:1 the respondents' responses on the presence of various challenges to effective working of group discussion in SAUT
95 95%
05 5%
100 100%

The result shows that 95% of all respondents agreed on the presence of challenges facing effective working of group discussions in SAUT while 5% disagreed. Also they mentioned various challenges facing effective working of group discussion as it is shown in the table below;
Table 4:2:2 Respondents' responses on challenges facing G.D in SAUT
Poor environment 20 20%
Peer pressure 05 5%
Personal problems 01 1%
Family issues/problems 03 3%
Misunderstandings about responsibilities 02 2%
Lack of commitment in some group members 23 20%
One person doing all the work 01 1%
Personality clashes 05 5%
Frequently charting 15 15%
Miss allocation of time 01 1%
Learning resources 17 16%
Rising conflicts among members group 01 1%
Punctuality 07 7%
Group rules and regulations. 02 2%
Assignment over assignment
TOTAL 100 100%

Therefore this results showing that there are challenges facing group discussion in SAUT as displayed in the table above; whereby, learning resources, charting,environment,lack of members commitment, and punctuality being the major challenges since they have mentioned by many respondents.
4:3 Objective two: Causes and impact of challenges facing G.D in SAUT.
From data collected using interview; respondents claimed that, there are some causes that fueling the presence of various challenges as they responded by mentioning those causes and impact as follows:
Table 4:3:1 showing respondents' responses on causes of challenges facing E.W of G.D in SAUT.
Not working as team or dependency 10 10%
Lack of commitment. 07 7%
Misunderstandings. 12 12%
A sense of self-importance or superiority. 02 2%
Personality clashes 10 10%
Too much number of courses. 11 11%
    1. personal ability
05 5%
    1. Love affairs
10 10%
    1. School fees penalty
01 1%
    1. Time and environment
10 10%
    1. Use of drugs
15 15%
    1. Bad personal time table,
06 6%
    1. Miss allocation of time
01 1%
    1. TOTAL
100 100%

Respondents' responses on the causes of various challenges facing group discussion in SAUT shown on the table above; shows that, there different causes of such challenges since they had mentioned them. This revealed that; in SAUT, there are many challenges facing group discussion to effective working as shown above while time; environment; too much number of courses; use of drug and love affairs had been taken as the major causes of challenges facing effective working of group discussion in SAUT Mwanza (main campus) as they have mentioned by large number of respondents.
Table 4:3:2 showing respondents' responses on impact of challenges facing E.W of G.D in SAUT.
Tasks not being completed by deadline 10 10%
Conflict between team members 19 19%
Further decrease in the effectiveness of the team 18 18%
Long term impact 03 3%
Poverty 09 9%
Development of animosity feelings 02 2%
    1. Development of sense of errors

01 1%
Producing incompetent personnel 01 1%
Not graduating on time 21 21%
Killing of generation through ideas. 01 1%
Unemployment 15 15%
TOTAL 100 100%

This reflects that the presence of ineffective group working can lead to unemployment, poverty, not graduating on time, work not been finished and submitted on time, including long term impact where by production of incompetent personnel will make the continuation of producing incompetent ones from generation to generation. .
4:4 Objective three: Guides, Basis, and Ways to device effective group discussion.
Another specific objective that developed from this study made the researcher to seek for guides, basis, and ways used to device effective working of group discussion in higher learning institutions. The distributed questionnaire had a question that asked the respondents to mention possible solutions that can be invested so as to device effective working of group discussion in SAUT and their responses were as indicated in the table below;
Table 4:4:1 showing respondents results on solution measures to be adhered so to device E.W of G.D in SAUT.
students' counseling about what course to opt and life 03 3%
Supporting each other, and emotions control. 05 5%
Provide sufficient time and space for participants to gather their thoughts and contribute to discussions.
12 12%
Provide equal opportunities to all participants.
15 15%
Improvement of educational infrastructures such as areas learning materials. 11 11%
The number of courses to be reduced 30 30%
Use inclusive language. 06 6%
Develop an awareness for barriers for learning. 10 10%
Adhere clarification if unclear about a participant’s intent or question. 01 1%
Self determination by avoiding peer pressure and laziness 03 3%
Create an inclusive environment . 03 3%
Treat all participants with respect and consideration. 01 1%
TOTAL 100 100%

The findings suggested on the improvement of group working through, students' counseling about what course to opt and life, supporting each other, and emotions control, provision of sufficient time and space for participants to gather their thoughts and contribute to discussions, providing equal opportunities to all participants, improvement of educational infrastructures such as areas learning materials,reducing the number of courses, use of inclusive language, developing self determination by avoiding peer pressure and laziness, and creating an inclusive environment including treatment of all participants with respect and consideration.
Similarly to Nelson (2010), clarifies the four key components of cooperative learning approaches and concludes by saying “Effort spent improving lectures is wasted unless the pedagogy is already has been transformed to use effective cooperative learning as it can be rather distressing initially for those of us who have spent a lot of time trying to improve lectures. Fortunately it is easy to implement basic cooperative learning even in large classes.
4:5 Discussion
In order to investigate the study the researcher used different from SAUT –Mwanza (Main Campus). Thus; the included respondents were students group discussion and lecturers who were purposively selected; while, only the students were randomly chosen.
4:5:1 Challenges facing effective working of G.D in SAUT.
The goal of this study was to investigate challenges facing effective working of group discussion in SAUT, therefore, respondents were made to give their understanding on various challenges facing them leading to ineffective working of their group discussion in their institution(SAUT).
The findings revealed that majority respondents groups (group discussion) were faced by various challenges in their institution. They identified the following challenges,rising conflicts among members group, frequently charting, environment, peer pressure, environment, learning resources, family issues, personal issues, school fees penalty, economic issues, misunderstandings, commitment and punctuality.
This shows that there are observable challenges facing group discussion on effective working in SAUT; as it was argued by (2016) that, problems you may encounter and how to address them in most groups, when working on a task, there will be some form of problem, disagreement, conflict or hiccup. It doesn’t necessarily mean that your group is poor, or problematic; in fact, it’s natural to have to negotiate differences between members. There are a number of common problems that arise during group work.
4:5:2 Causes and impacts of challenges hindering work effectiveness of G.D in THLI
Under the second specific objective that aimed at identification of causes and impact of challenges hindering work effectiveness of group discussion; and the responses revealed that the presence of such challenges was fueled by the present of many courses per semester, excessive use of drugs, lack of commitment, laziness, dependency, love affairs, and others while impacts of such challenges can be not graduating on time, unemployment, poverty, wastage of time, task not completed by deadline, production of incompetent personnel, and killing of generation through ideas.
4:5:3 Guides, basis and ways to device effective working of group discussion
All respondents, responded on the above issue by identifying ways that if employed can device effective working of their groups as third specific objective aimed to be archived. The respondent’s response on identification of solutions was as follows, students to be counseled about what course to opt and life supporting each other, emotions control, providing sufficient time and space for participants to gather their thoughts and contribute to discussions, providing equal opportunities to all participants, improvement of educational infrastructures such as areas learning materials, the number of courses to be reduced, use of inclusive language, developing an awareness for barriers for learning.
Similarly to other scholars who mentioned the following solutions that are define the problem by creating a problem statement that summarizes it. Analyze the problem and create a problem question that can guide solution generation. Generate possible solutions. Possible solutions should be offered and listed without stopping to evaluate each one. Evaluate the solutions based on their credibility, completeness, and worth. Groups should also assess the potential effects of the narrowed list of solutions. Implement and assess the solution. Aside from enacting the solution, groups should determine how they will know the solution is working or not.

                                                                CHAPTER FIVE                                           
                                       SUMMARY,  CONCLUSION,AND RECOMENDATION
5.0 Introduction
This study had the objective to investigate the challenges facing effective working of group discussion in higher learning institutions in Tanzania. This chapter presents the summary of the study and conclusion including recommendation that has been drawn from finding basis for more concern an further studies.
5: 2 Summary
The main objective of this study was to investigate challenges facing effective working of group discussion in Higher learning institutions of Tanzania.
 This study has structured into five chapters thus illustrated from chapter one to chapter five as follows
 Chapter one - consisted of background of the study, statement of the study, objectives of the study,   significance of the study, and the scope of the study.
Chapter two - comprised of theoretical and related literature review including research gap.
Chapter three - This chapter consisted of research type, research design, population and sampling procedure, data collection tools, presentation, and interpretation, including ethical issues.
Chapter four – under this chapter the researcher presented research findings and Analysis of collected data.
Chapter five – was structured by discussion, summary of the study, conclusion and recommendation.
Thus this study has structured as described above including all necessary academic issues for research writing were not left behind.
Therefore; the investigation of challenges facing effective working of group discussion revealed that, there are challenges intervening effective working of learners. Therefore in order to avoid this challenges the suggested ways to device effective working of group discussion must put into consideration.
5. 3 Conclusion.
World wide today there is a tendency of using group discussion in higher learning institutions as it has been done in Tanzanian higher learning institutions; because, group discussion are believed to be as a knowledge beneficial since it encourages sound principles of learning and memory.
This study was supervised with three specific objectives that were; to identify and examine various challenges on effective working of group discussion in Tanzanian higher learning institutions; to identify the causes and impacts of challenges hindering work effectiveness to some group discussions in higher learning institutions, and to understand and analyze group participants’ perceptions about the basis of group discussion, guides and ways used to device effective group discussion. Therefore its is better for learners and institutions of Tanzania to take wise consideration on this so as to improve performance of these groups; since, was  variation in how these groups score marks (see example of mass communication skills result in SAUT.
5: 4 Recommendation
In order to device effective working of discussion in higher learning especially SAUT's group discussions, learners, lecturers and institutions must adhere effective ways to device effective working and use them effectively by observing the following:
 Higher institutions and facilitators must provide counseling to learners about what course to opt and life, improvement of educational infrastructures such as areas  learning materials, reducing the number of courses per semester, improving school time table, providing sufficient time for group work and improving areas for conducting group discussion.
Learners must also supporting each other and controlling emotions that will stop the occurrence of misunderstandings and conflicts among group members, building the sense of togetherness in working, being committed to group works and and respecting each other including personal or self determination through avoiding unproductive peer pressure and laziness.
 Also the researcher gives a room to other researchers who could perform further investigation on this study and come up with academically progressive details for academic development; since technique is  very suitable for teaching these pluralized students who must critically and deeply understand what is taught for daily and societal use. 
Lastly the researcher, would like to recommend the use of group discussions in higher learning institutions of Tanzania, as it had been recommended to have positive impact on spreading of ideas from person to person. As it had said by Brownedu (2016), that, effective facilitation of a discussion involves the recognition and employment of different perspectives and different skills to create an inclusive environment. In order to do so, it is important to consider the features of effective discussions, and conditions that promote small group interaction and engagement. Discussion is a powerful mechanism for active learning; a well-facilitated discussion allows the participant to explore new ideas while recognizing and valuing the contributions of others.



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I; MAYENGO Alpha H, a third year student at St. Augustine University of Tanzania studying Bachelor of Arts with education(2015/2016). I am conducting a research on challenges facing effective working of Group Discussions at Saint Augustine University of Tanzania - Mwanza (main campus) representing other higher learning institutions of Tanzania.
May you please, respond to the following questions by giving your contributions drawn from your group discussion’s experience and reality since this work is directed to academic purposes.
Put tick ( √ ) in brackets to provide your answer and short answers when necessary:
  1. 1) Age
a) 18-27 ( ) b) 28-37 ( ) c) 38-47 ( ) d) 48-57 ( ) e) 58+( )

  1. 2) Year of study
a) First year ( ) b) Second year ( ) c) Third year ( )

  1. 3) Is there any problem when performing discussions to your group?
a) Yes ( ) b) No ( )

  1. 4) (a) If yes; in number 3 above, what are those problems ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  2. (b) Do you have enough time for effective academic writing for each given assignment?
a) Yes ( ) b) No ( )
  1. 5) Is there enough and appropriate learning resources to be used as references in your group work?
a) Yes ( ) b) No ( )
  1. 6) Is there any kind of variations on how your group scores marks to different given assignments?
a) Yes ( ) b) No ( )

  1. 7) (a) Do you think there are challenges facing group discussions to effective working in higher learning institutions in Tanzania?
a) Yes ( ) b) No ( )
(b) If YES, what are those challenges?
  1. 8) What is your opinion on how to solve challenges facing effective working of group discussions?
Be blessed...

  1. 1) Do you think there are challenges facing group discussion in higher learning institutions to meet effective working?
  2. 2) What are the causes of these challenges?
  3. 3) What are the impacts of these challenges to effective working of group discussions in higher learning institutions?
  4. 4) From your experiences, what can be possible solutions to those problems with consideration to:
  1. a) Learners
  2. b) Facilitators
  3. c) Institutions

hakiki na tuma maoni au mapendekezo kuhusu makala hii ya andiko langu la uchunguandiko langu

ANDIKO LA UCHUNGU (Kwa shemeji zangu na wanangu)           NYAMBUYA OGUCHU,                            S.L.P 777666,       ...