Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Hebu tazama humu
If Islam is the Black man's true identity, why do African Americans who convert to Islam have to adopt Arabic names, pray in Arabic to "Allah" (the Arabic name for God), read the Quran in Arabic and learn many Arabic religious terms and phrases? Why Arabic and not Swahili, Hausa, Sango, Zulu or any of the other ethnic African languages? African Americans who convert to Islam are told to wear the long flowing Arabic style of dress natural to living in a desert climate rather than one of the African styles of dress developed for living in the tropics or the savanna. Women are told they must wear the Arabic "hijab." It seems that being a Muslim means being Arabic, not African! How can becoming an Arab be "as natural as breathing" for an African?
In contrast, African Christians pray and read the Bible in their own African languages and wear their own African clothing styles. Messiah Jesus said Almighty God wants to hear the language of our spirits, words spoken in truth[1], not just the religious words we repeat with our mouths. Why would He require us to memorize and repeat to Him words of a language foreign to us?It is true that slaves brought to America were forced to take European, "Christian" names and some were pressured to become Christians. It is also true that the millions of African slaves sold into the Muslim Middle East were forced to accept Arabic names and the Islamic religion. Slavery is evil and this practice of forced conversion always seems to be a part of it.
Some folks have gone too far in trying to appreciate the dignity of their African roots and have fallen into the self-deceiving trap of denigrating all other peoples. They teach that "the white man is a devil" (something never taught by historic, orthodox Islam!), and that "Jesus and all the prophets were black." Recent archeological research reveals that Jesus, a Semitic Jew living in the land half way between Europe and Africa, was a man of color, half way between "white" and "black," who belongs to all of us!
We all need to take pride in our own ethnic roots and appreciate the history and culture of our ancestors. But if we become too exclusively impressed with the greatness of our own ethnic background, we begin to see others as not being one of the "brothers."
If we are really honest with ourselves, we will recognize our roots are nothing more than a long line of dead people, who made many mistakes, and whose true character is clouded in missing information. In fact if we trace our roots back far enough we will find that we are all children of Adam, who got us thrown out of paradise and introduced death to us[3] by his rebellion against God.
There is an alternative! We can find our identity in the Lord Jesus who conquered death and has the power to give us meaningful lives today. As believers in Christ, we are children of God first[4] and members of a certain family and racial group second. When I find my real identity in Christ, I put myself on an equal level with all other people because no racial or ethnic group is excluded from receiving the free gift of salvation through Jesus[5].
The roots of the Lord Jesus the Messiah are clear. He said, "before Abraham was born, I am!"[6] He was present in the beginning of creation[7], and in fact was present before the creation of the world[8]! He is the One who said, "I am the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."[9] That is why He is called "the Root of David."[10]
God's people today are from every people, race, language and nation on earth. We are finding our real roots in Jesus, who has made us his own special people.[11]
Which roots are you trying to find? Those who have never accepted their position as sons of God through the salvation He has provided for each one of us in Christ are doomed to try to find some meaning and comfort in identity with their imperfect human ancestry. Traditional African religion encompasses a wide variety traditional beliefs. Traditional religious customs are sometimes shared by many African societies, but they are usually unique to specific ethnic groups. Many African Christians and Muslims maintain some aspects of their traditional religions.
Below are some of the African Traditional religions practiced in West Africa � for example, Benin, Nigeria and Ghana, amongst others.
1- There is Legba, the god of crossroads, who acts as a messenger to other gods. In downtown Cotonou, a gas station has gone up beside a famous shrine to Legba. At "Station Legba," as the sign says, you can fuel up and leave a priest instructions to pray for you.
2- Sango, the god of thunder, who acts and protects its loyal. It is better recognized with red and white attire for worship. Many Sangotians cut off parts of their body to offer as sacrifices to Sango. They believe that Sango will break the legs of their firstborn child if this is not done. General parts cut off are the lower ear, the lip, the foreskin in males and a nipple in females.
3- Orounmila/Eboh, this god is predominately worshiped in Benin Kingdom, and other cities in Nigeria. Mode of worship includes sacrificing of hen, kola nuts, turtles, white chalk and coconut while making chants in appealing the gods of Orounmila.
Tembelea http://www.raceandhistory.com/cgi-bin/forum/webbbs_config.pl?md=read;id=2307
tafakari itambue

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